Saúde Cardiovascular | Pfizer
Uma campanha desenvolvida para a competição Pfizer UpJohn, com o desafio de conscientizar a sociedade sobre a saúde cardiovascular. Com a percepção de que cuidar da saúde do coração com informações e monitoramento profissional significa dizer sim à vida, criamos a campanha #EscuteSeuCoração.
A campaign developed for the Pfizer UpJohn competition with the challenge of raising awareness among society about cardiovascular health. With the insight that taking care of your heart health with information and professional monitoring means saying yes to life, we created the #ListenToYourHeart campaign.

With the aim of raising awareness about cardiovascular diseases, we will take advantage of the moment when people are in traffic with the radio on, to encourage listening to something as important as their favorite music: their heart.

My role: Concept and Art direction
Agency: InPress Porter Novelli